Storm King's Thunder: Opening
**Spoiler Warning for the Storm King's Thunder hardcover adventure** (you have been warned or some such) (My plan with the Storm King's Thunder Column is to post my session recaps for others to peruse and enjoy.) When I started thinking about running Storm King's Thunder (SKT) I spent some time thinking about how I wanted to begin the campaign. I had read through SKT once, skimmed it once, and perused the internet for reviews and tips/tricks for running the campaign. A recurring theme was that the beginning of the adventure doesn't have "really good" hooks or a reason for the group to take on the adventure. I thought about this for awhile and decided to try something new (for me)... I wrote a little story to start off the campaign. Note: the characters in the story are not my own. I enjoy reading the Forgotten Realms novels (and some of my players do too) so I used characters familiar to the setting to help us begin our campaign. Here it is: ...