
Showing posts from April, 2017

Storm King's Thunder: Opening

  **Spoiler Warning for the Storm King's Thunder hardcover adventure** (you have been warned or some such) (My plan with the Storm King's Thunder Column is to post my session recaps for others to peruse and enjoy.) When I started thinking about running Storm King's Thunder (SKT) I spent some time thinking about how I wanted to begin the campaign. I had read through SKT once, skimmed it once, and perused the internet for reviews and tips/tricks for running the campaign. A recurring theme was that the beginning of the adventure doesn't have "really good" hooks or a reason for the group to take on the adventure. I thought about this for awhile and decided to try something new (for me)... I wrote a little story to start off the campaign. Note: the characters in the story are not my own. I enjoy reading the Forgotten Realms novels (and some of my players do too) so I used characters familiar to the setting to help us begin our campaign. Here it is: ...

The Day After Ragnarok (Savage Worlds) Review

“Submachine guns and sorcery” The Day After Ragnarok by Kenneth Hite (from Atomic Overmind Press ) does not disappoint. From its zany concept (What would have happened if the Nazi’s unleashed the world serpent from Viking folk-lore?) to its alternate history (What would happen if the USA was Thor and “Thor” was killed during Ragnarok?) The Day After Ragnarok delivers a punch to your Savage Worlds game. I have played in The Day After Ragnarok campaign placed in Iowa. We were part of the army and trying to stabilize the Mississippi River and surrounding regions. This game was a ton of fun to play. The rules include new arcane backgrounds, new edges, some new (or tweaked) skills. Basically everything you have come to expect from Savage Settings. Something our GM raved about was the adventure generator. Throughout the campaign our GM used the adventure generator to come up with the next wacky conflict we had to resolve. He said it was perfect for The Day After Ragnarok. Mys...