
Showing posts from 2017

Session 7: Wight Night

  **Spoiler Warning for the Storm King's Thunder hardcover adventure** (you have been warned or some such) Recap for Session 7: Wight Night Long-Term Goal: Figure out what the Giants are up to and stop them. Short-Term Goal: Complete the Triboar NPC quests in order to find clues into what is going on with the Giants.  Heading to Noanar’s Hold to drop off the harnesses Othovir made for Narth Tezrin. High Points: Force Grey continued on their “Triboar” quests. First they had Felgolos sign onto their charter as “Mr. F”. Force Grey stayed at the once-famous hunting lodge named _ White Hart Inn _. During the night the _ Hunt Lords _ paid Force Grey a visit and attempted to “hunt” Force Grey into extinction. Unfortunately for them, Force Grey prevailed and the _ Hunt Lords _ were extinguished. Chris tried out some of her new abilities and raised four of the former lords as her servants (whom she then had watch over her compatriots). One of those risen serv...

Session 6: There and Back Again

  **Spoiler Warning for the Storm King's Thunder hardcover adventure** (you have been warned or some such) Recap for Session 6: There and Back Again Long-Term Goal: Figure out what the Giants are up to and stop them. Short-Term Goal: Complete the Triboar NPC quests in order to find clues into what is going on with the Giants.  Heading to Noanar’s Hold to drop off the harnesses Othovir made for Narth Tezrin. High Points: Force Grey was busy this session. (Besides taking two extra days in Triboar to start some personal jobs/quests/trainings) Force Grey members eventually embarked on their quests heading to the East. They made it as far as Yartar and met up with Felgolos himself in Halfling form. Felgolos talked the party into accompanying him to the Grand Dame gambling ship to stop a Zhent scheme to steal some gold. While the Zhents didn’t get Pow Ming’s gold pouch they did manage to poison Felgolos with something he is allergic to and had a grand old tim...

Session 5: Back to Triboar

  **Spoiler Warning for the Storm King's Thunder hardcover adventure** (you have been warned or some such) Recap for Session 5: Back to Triboar Long-Term Goal: Figure out what the Giants are up to and stop them. Short-Term Goal: Complete the Triboar NPC quests in order to find clues into what is going on with the Giants.  First up: Darz Helgar had an old acquaintance who had an interesting tale to tell in which he saw a dwarf cleaning the stables in Xantharl’s Keep. Force Grey is currently on their way back from Mirabar.  Next up? High Points: Force Grey ran into a couple of groups of bandits during their trip back from Mirabar. First was a group claiming to be collecting a toll to fix a bridge (most were blown up in a fireball). Second was a group that sprung a trap around Force Grey and attempted to kill or disable the heroes, they were not successful. Force Grey also ran into a Fire Giant Dig Site where 3 Ogres were pulling up a piece of adamantin...

Session 4: The Weevil

  **Spoiler Warning for the Storm King's Thunder hardcover adventure** (you have been warned or some such) Recap for Session 4: The Weevil Long-Term Goal: Figure out what the Giants are up to and stop them. Short-Term Goal: Complete the Triboar NPC quests in order to find clues into what is going on with the Giants.  First up: Darz Helgar had an old acquaintance who had an interesting tale to tell in which he saw a dwarf cleaning the stables in Xantharl’s Keep. This acquaintance believed this dwarf to be the Weevil, an outlaw wanted by authorities in Mirabar for 5,000 gp alive.  Darz feels that he is too old to take on this quest but offers it to Force Grey in repayment for defending Triboar. Force Grey is currently on their way back from Mirabar. High Points: Dowell and Kipper Harpell are working on enchanting a couple of things for Dylan. Leif, as Uldrik Timberlake (a cover), tried to gamble his night away in Longsaddle and ended up in jail for the ev...

Session 3: Attack on Triboar

  **Spoiler Warning for the Storm King's Thunder hardcover adventure** (you have been warned or some such) Recap for Session 3: Attack on Triboar Long-Term Goal: Figure out what the Giants are up to and stop them. Short-Term Goal: Complete the Triboar NPC quests in order to find clues into what is going on with the Giants.  First up: Darz Helgar had an old acquaintance who had an interesting tale to tell in which he saw a dwarf cleaning the stables in Xantharl’s Keep. This acquaintance believed this dwarf to be the Weevil, an outlaw wanted by authorities in Mirabar for 5,000 gp alive.  Darz feels that he is too old to take on this quest but offers it to Force Grey in repayment for defending Triboar. High Points: Force Grey held off the Fire giants Ildmane and Okssort from sacking Triboar and killing all of its people. Ghelryn Foehammer (the Royal Armorer of Citadel Felbarr) did perish in the fighting but he was the only victim of the direct confrontation w...

Session 2: A Great Upheaval Part 2

  **Spoiler Warning for the Storm King's Thunder hardcover adventure** (you have been warned or some such) Recap for Session 2: A Great Upheaval Part 2 Long-Term Goal: Figure out what the Giants are up to and stop them. Short-Term Goal: Survive the afternoon. High Points: Force Grey made a deal with Snigbat (a Goblin) in order to free the Nightstone villagers. Snigbat asked that the party kill Boss Hark and the Ogres in the main cavern. Boss Hark took a little convincing in order to be killed but eventually his body guards and giant rats fell to the blades and magic of Force Grey. The Ogres, on the other hand, were suggest ed to leave by Leif and they took off looking for “better food” elsewhere. Snigbat made good on his promise and the villagers were released. In Nightstone Force Grey was given a quest to find the ex-wife of the now-deceased Lionshield Coster owner (Darthag Ulgar) in Triboar and tell her of the happenings in Nightstone. The trip to Triboar didn...

Session 1: A Great Upheaval Part 1

  **Spoiler Warning for the Storm King's Thunder hardcover adventure** (you have been warned or some such) Recap for Session 1: A Great Upheaval Long-Term Goal: Figure out what the Giants are up to and stop them. Short-Term Goal: Find and free the townsfolk of Nightstone. High Points: The members of Force Grey made it to Nightstone and quickly found it not filled with townsfolk but instead filled with Goblins and Worgs. The Goblins were vanquished (or captured, poor Gum-Gum) but a party of Zhentarim showed up wanting to claim the town and make it a Zhent Outpost. After a deal was reached a small horde of Orcs tore into town from the Ardeep Forest. A battle ensued and the Orcs and Zhents were either killed or driven off. The night passed uneventfully and Force Grey awoke to sunny Tarsakh morning. Complications/Unresolved Questions: Cloud giants attacked the town and took the Nightstone, what for? What will you find when you look for the villagers? Who will...

Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game Review

"GLORY & GOLD WON BY SORCERY & SWORD" Dungeon Crawl Classics Role Playing Game (DCC) by Goodman Games  is a truly remarkable RPG. If you see it on the shelf your first thought may be, "holy crap, that book is huge, that game has got to be bloated (or insert other term for a "big" game)". If you get past that initial shock though, DCC RPG will surprise you. It's actually quite rules-light. DCC favors an old-school feel of rulings rather than rules. What makes the book huge is how the spell system works. See, casting spells in DCC is a big deal. The second paragraph in the magic chapter sums up the feel perfectly. "Summoning magical energies is arduous, expensive, and dangerous. No wizard does it lightly. As a result, there are no mundane magics, no spells used simply to light a corridor, for example. Use a torch, fool; it is much safer!" Each spell has an expansive table because you make a spell check and the result determ...

The Characters

  **Spoiler Warning for the Storm King's Thunder hardcover adventure** (you have been warned or some such) The original party of adventurers for my group's Storm King's Thunder game is outlined below. Most of the characters have stayed the same but a couple of switched out, retired, or became "evil" enough that the character needed to be sidelined. Enjoy. Player 1. Christiane (Chris) Desruisseaux- Female Human Wizard/Fighter (Necromancy) Mercenary Veteran (The Pointy End) Player 2. Darrin Von Dorn- Male Human Warlock/Fighter (the Fiend (Asmodeus) and Champion) City Watch (Waterdeep) Player 3. Dylan- Male Human Ranger/Rogue (Hunter and Assassin) Outlander Player 4. Garoc- Male Half-Orc Paladin of Tyr (Oath of the Crown) Inheritor ("father's" armor) Player 5. Leif Lumisson- Male Goliath (skinned as a big Human) Sorcerer (Storm) Charlatan

Storm King's Thunder: Opening

  **Spoiler Warning for the Storm King's Thunder hardcover adventure** (you have been warned or some such) (My plan with the Storm King's Thunder Column is to post my session recaps for others to peruse and enjoy.) When I started thinking about running Storm King's Thunder (SKT) I spent some time thinking about how I wanted to begin the campaign. I had read through SKT once, skimmed it once, and perused the internet for reviews and tips/tricks for running the campaign. A recurring theme was that the beginning of the adventure doesn't have "really good" hooks or a reason for the group to take on the adventure. I thought about this for awhile and decided to try something new (for me)... I wrote a little story to start off the campaign. Note: the characters in the story are not my own. I enjoy reading the Forgotten Realms novels (and some of my players do too) so I used characters familiar to the setting to help us begin our campaign. Here it is: ...

The Day After Ragnarok (Savage Worlds) Review

“Submachine guns and sorcery” The Day After Ragnarok by Kenneth Hite (from Atomic Overmind Press ) does not disappoint. From its zany concept (What would have happened if the Nazi’s unleashed the world serpent from Viking folk-lore?) to its alternate history (What would happen if the USA was Thor and “Thor” was killed during Ragnarok?) The Day After Ragnarok delivers a punch to your Savage Worlds game. I have played in The Day After Ragnarok campaign placed in Iowa. We were part of the army and trying to stabilize the Mississippi River and surrounding regions. This game was a ton of fun to play. The rules include new arcane backgrounds, new edges, some new (or tweaked) skills. Basically everything you have come to expect from Savage Settings. Something our GM raved about was the adventure generator. Throughout the campaign our GM used the adventure generator to come up with the next wacky conflict we had to resolve. He said it was perfect for The Day After Ragnarok. Mys...